A grand total of $49.2 billion dollars in Social Security benefits was given to seniors in Florida in 2010. Florida is a state that has a large number of retired residents. That is not to say that the other state in the U.S. do not have aging residents. In fact, all states have residents who are collecting Social Security payments. Veterans also collect retirement and disabled veterans benefits in all states as well. First claims for Social Security Disability benefits typically get denied. Claimants can always file an appeal though. However, most appeals get denied the first time too. In fact, statistics show an 85 percent denial rate for first appeals for SSI and SSD.
First time approval of claims are happening now more than ever though, thanks to the help of Social security lawyers. Veterans are also finding help on the appeals process by going to veterans lawyers. The Congressional Budget Office released a report that shows that for the years 1996 through 2009, there was a 9 percent increase in the number of older disabled workers who were able to get their disability claims approved. Again, it took veterans lawyers and Social Security attorneys to win these awards for their clients.
As the baby boomers are reaching retirement age, more people than ever will file and start collecting disability and Social Security retirement benefits. The number of Americans over 85 will triple by the year 2050. In other words, experts are expecting the number of Americans who are this age to be more than 19 million by 2050. The number of people living in American who were over 85 years old in 2010 was 5.7 million. The life expectancy, according to the CDC, has risen to the age of 78 now.
The lack of funds for Social Security benefits is cause for concern. One can expect more claim denials for disability benefits. Disabled people should not see this as the only news. You see, a good Social Security Disability lawyer can make sure of claim acceptance if you ever need to file for disability. The best option is to talk to a Social Security Disability attorney before you even file your claim the first time. Veterans lawyers usually do not step in to help until the appeals process begins. It never hurts to go and talk to veterans lawyers about filing for veterans disability benefits before you file your claim though. Veterans lawyers can help you fill the paperwork out if you do not understand it. Find out more, talk to a veterans lawyer today.
The demographic for 85 year olds by 2050 is shocking. I already know several people who are 85 and older. They are very active still.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.
Florida sure has a lot of seniors living there. It always was a retirement magnet.