Not only is getting a massage relaxing, but it promotes healing, lowers blood pressure, hastens rehabilitation, and is considered a recreational activity. Massage in Libertyville is one place you can search for a message therapist.
A body rub, or massage, is sought out by both men and women. In 2011, 13 percent of men and 24 percent of women reported getting a body rub within the past twelve months. Massages are good for your health. According to study results by the University of Maryland Medical Center, those who got a deep tissue massage saw systolic pressure drop an average of 10.4 mm Hg, and diastolic pressure drop an average of 5.3mm Hg. A deep tissue massage focuses on muscles below the top layer of muscles.
Another type of massage is a myofascial release massage. A myofascial release massage focuses on stretching the fascia with the goal of eliminating pain and increasing the range of motion.
Reiki healing is sometimes confused with massage therapy. Reiki healing is a healing technique using energy focusing on chakras rather than manipulating muscle tissue.
A chair massage is simply a massage performed in a chair. You may find a chair massage in a doctors office, a medical or health facility, and sometimes a mall.
A one hour massage equals one good night sleep for your body. Massage therapy is such a healing practice that over 59 percent of adult Americans wish massage therapy was covered under insurance.
To find a masseur you can search online for massage in libertyville, or massage therapy in my area.