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Seeking an Effective Treatment for IBS?


Acupuncture seattle wa

Seeking a treatment for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is becoming more and more common in the United States. It is estimated that IBS affects as much as 55 million people in the U.S. every year. With something like Chinese acupuncture seattle WA residents could find themselves with a treatment for IBS that not only relieves their symptoms, but makes it easier to go on from day to day.

In 2007, approximately three million adults claimed to use acupuncture during the previous year, especially for things like nausea, depression, back pain and arthritis. While it is a commonly acknowledged treatment for back pain, acupuncture has also been shown to be an effective treatment for IBS and a weight management solution.

The benefits of this ancient form of therapy seemingly go on forever. Large students done in the past have traditionally focused on acupuncture in adults and discovered similar complication rates, with serious side effects taking place in about five of every million treatment sessions. That percentage of risk makes acupuncture therapy safer than almost any other kind of conventional treatment. Acupuncture is a form of ayurvedic medicine, which has its roots in India and is over 2,000 years old. Ayurvedic medicine focuses on bringing a balance to the patients mind, body and spirit.

In addition to treating chronic conditions like IBS, certain studies have shown that acupuncture may reduce the amount of tension headaches a patient gets when it is done as a preventative form of therapy. Typically, acupuncture therapy can cost between $50 and $150 per session, and is usually not covered by ones insurance. Despite that, it could be well worth it if it helps reduce the painful symptoms of a condition like irritable bowel syndrome.

18 thoughts on “Seeking an Effective Treatment for IBS?

  1. Irritable bowel syndrome is the worst thing in the world. For me, it was easier to quit smoking than deal with that pain.

  2. I have heard that IBS brings on an immense amount of pain, and can be crippling when it hits.

  3. I have heard that IBS brings on an immense amount of pain, and can be crippling when it hits.

  4. I have heard that IBS brings on an immense amount of pain, and can be crippling when it hits.

  5. I have heard that IBS brings on an immense amount of pain, and can be crippling when it hits.

  6. I have heard that IBS brings on an immense amount of pain, and can be crippling when it hits.

  7. I have heard that IBS brings on an immense amount of pain, and can be crippling when it hits.

  8. I have heard that IBS brings on an immense amount of pain, and can be crippling when it hits.

  9. I have heard that IBS brings on an immense amount of pain, and can be crippling when it hits.

  10. I have heard that IBS brings on an immense amount of pain, and can be crippling when it hits.

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