Being a part of a military family is an experience of honor, but also anxiety when it comes time to relocate. After filling out what seems like an endless pile of paperwork, you may be stressed out and wondering when the process will become easier. All though it will always be a complicated process, knowing your facts and staying organized will allow you to manage your stress effectively.
The day you find out your move is coming, Get ahold of the relocation manager at your new location. They should be able to answer questions you may have, and give you tips for moving to your specific relocation. Moving into military housing rentals can be tricky, and often times the experience comes with many bumps in the road. Make sure to stay organized, and also a step ahead of where you think you need to be in the process.
The Department of Defense reports that there are over 2 million children in the United States with parents in the military. Having children during a military move often times makes the process even more complicated than before. Around 60% of military kids are of school age. This means finding a location with high quality schooling, may be a priority for you. Nearly 80% of military children attend public schools throughout the United States. Check out the school ratings on realtor websites, often times military housing sites have these.
Staying ahead of the game, and on top of discounts for military rent is a great idea for any member of the military. Make you have all your paperwork in on time for financial support with military rent. Especially, if you are planning on moving into military housing on base. Often times military rent is discounted, paid for, or lowered significantly. Make sure you stay up to date on what you are entitled to, and take advantage of it.
Figuring out all the military rent nonsense, and every other aspect of the situation can be stressful. However, you are not the only one frantically trying to figure everything out. Social media sites are a great way to connect with other military families that are going through the same things that you are. You may even find potential friends in your new relocation area. Take advantage of these online social groups, often times they offer great advice. They also provide a place to vent, and get in touch with other people you relate to.
Living a military lifestyle is not an experience of ease. However, it is a rewarding and respected way of life. Moving is overwhelming for anyone when it is under mandatory circumstances. Stay organized, and find what deals and military rent reductions apply to your situation today. This will allow you a low stress, and possibly even pleasant relocation.