Online Magazine Publishing

Online Magazine Publishing

How to Find the Best ERISA Attorney

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act, or ERISA, mandates employee pension, health, disablity, life, and investment insurance policies. Unfortunately, since this act was enacted in 1974, several qualification changes have been made to it. As a result, many employees experience problems when they try to obtain their benefits. When this occurs, an Orlando long term […]

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The Best Party Dips

Dips are popular choices for party and finger foods because they’re so easy to eat. For years, Mexican dips have dominated the scene. Between salsa and guacamole, Mexican dips and tortilla chips have had the corner market on party food, and for good reason! They’re incredibly tasty and generally pretty good for you. In recent […]

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The DITY Move Explained!

The Do It Yourself (DITY) move is a kind of military moving solution that can save you money. According to, it’s a voluntary program that allows the Government to reimburse you for moving your own belongings. These kinds of moves are sometimes referred to as personally produced moves. They are not generally recommended for […]

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